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climate risk reporting

Climate risk reporting

Take advantage of MSCI ESG Research’s sophisticated climate risk analytics on securities across asset classes and streamline climate risk management processes within existing workflows using high volume climate reporting.

Key features and benefits

Integrated carbon risk assessments

Our climate risk reports include analysis of an extensive set of carbon risk management and exposure metrics, sourced from sophisticated in house research and climate models, from stranded assets to clean technology investments and scenario analysis.

Identify outliers change regulations.

Analyze key sectors and companies where risk is concentrated to better inform carbon reduction strategies and support active dialogue and proxy engagement.

Transparent and understandable

Our reports include clearly defined metrics and analysis with context to help with the interpretation of the results. For example, the report includes attribution analysis that evaluates how stock selection and sector weighting can explain the differences between the carbon footprint of a portfolio and the carbon footprint of portfolios replicating an index.

Climate scenario analysis

Our reports offer deep insight into how various climate change scenarios could affect company valuations, looking at both transition and physical risks and opportunities. They also provide Warming Potential at portfolio level: the thermometer shows the warming trajectory of a portfolio, and relates it to important target temperatures in global climate change regulations.

Actionable analysis

Our climate risk reports can help inform strategies to tilt the portfolio towards lower carbon emissions / intensity, or identify high risk companies with weak carbon management strategies relative to peers.

Additional metrics on risks and opportunities

Our tools provides analysis on stranded asset exposure, together with assessments of carbon risk management practices and energy initiatives, in an effort to indicate possible exposure to environmental legislation and preparedness for transition to a low carbon economy.